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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Dangers of Superhero Trend in Film and T.V.

     I have felt the need as soon as starting this blog to hit on this topic. So here it is, what I think of the this current trend of overflowing content focusing on the superhero genre.

    Now from a basic skim or glance, superhero content in large quantity is not necessarily bad, because it leaves a huge opportunity for alternative perspectives, plots, and alleyways to be explored. However, in current day this isn't what is happening, sadly. Instead when you actually watch the content being produced, its just recycled of a couple already original concepts or films. The best example is Marvel movies, everybody is trying to copy them. Its hard to not be in awe of the success of the infinity sags phase, as billions upon billions profited and the formula wasn't completely overused or disliked. However production companies like Warner Bros(DC's owners) and countless others are only now noticing this and trying to rush to get this result without even questioning quality as often as they should. Making the standard and media were getting absolute garbage, and that sucks.

    Although this may be the case for some newer films, like Samaritan for example, I do not believe this for all shows that have been made. Personally I find the Boys, Invincible, and the Batman legitimately refreshing and actually unique to the genre. I mean not totally obviously, every hero film, especially a Batman one is gong to have similar troupes, but they actually have an identity that isn't attempting to be a Marvel clone. Instead, these pieces are most rewarding and enjoyable because they actually take the time to evaluate their source material and next move, without worrying of other genre successes. They appreciate their characters, make them serious and not ninety percent quips (cough cough, MARVEL!!!). Their stories evolve and are willing to take risks they don't necessarily need to be universe bending or moon exploding. They are the example, but no, instead we get Justice League(not the Snyder Cut).

    Superheroes are amazing, and while they can get stuck with many troupes from time to time, they are opportune. The trend of actually just gobbling more of the material that comes out without considering the quality needs to end in our society. The more we let the bad movies come through, especially trying to replicate Marvel, the more we dull ourselves to the superhero topic. Eventually, we will get to point that could finally kill any movie or t.v. show about superheroes for nothing shorter than a decade. So we need to rate, review, and search for these good originals. We need to save our superheroes.

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